The Paradox of micromotions

For more than a quarter of a century a well-known chiropractor Vitaly Gitt is successfully treating people with diseases of the joints and spine. Today we tell about one of his revolutionary theories that he successfully applies in practice - about the theory of micromotions.

The basis of this theory - the ability of the joint to absorb nutrients from the synovial fluid - the natural lubricant which allows parts of the joint to slide freely relatively to each other. If the joint has an inflammatory process, accompanied by necrosis (destruction) of bone tissue, or, conversely, is overgrown with the bony protrusions, the osteophytes, the constant, regular nutrition of the joint helps to stop these processes, and even to turn them back. But still, for example, plastered joints, devoid of nutrition very quickly lose their functionality.

Often, Vitaly Gitt is asked: "Can you tell me why the treatment of the joint needs the very small amplitude of motion? After all, with a greater amplitude the delivery of the synovial fluid will be more intense and, consequently, the power of cartilage cells will be even better! Isn't it better to exercise with greater amplitude?
"The thing is that the joint can only consume very small quantity of liquid, but needs it constantly, - says Vitaly Gitt. - With the active movement the nutrition is improving, but the assumption remains exactly the same as in the commission of micromotion. However, active movements lead to further injury and destruction of joints. "

Patients sometimes ask another question: "Why do you recommend to make the exercises on the micromotion very slowly, while the patient undergoes hundreds of oscillations per minute on your vibrating bed?"

"On the vibrating bad a patient lies freely and relaxed, - V.Gitt answers. - He does not have to strain muscles, and his joints are not subjected to additional stress. The stress causes the most devastating effect to the joints. It is what we are trying to avoid making a small "homeopathic", a very slow movements in the affected joint. "

The newspaper "The Age of health", # 5, 2011